Carl Schuricht - Conductor

Bruckner: Symphony No. 7 & No. 8, Reger: An Die Hoffnung
cena: €22.27
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Carl Schuricht - Conductor

Beethoven: Symphony No. 9
cena: €11.14

Carl Schuricht - Conductor, Berlin Radio Orch., Orchestra Des Reichsenders Berlin

Wagner: Vorspiel Und Liebestod, Haydn: Con. For Violincello In D Major, Beethoven: Sym. No.3, Bruckner: Sym. No. 9, Etc.
cena: €33.41

Carlo Grante - Piano

Leopold Godowsky: Renaissance -- 16 Baroque Arrangements Of Works By Rameau, Corelli. D. Scarlatti. And Others.
cena: €11.14

Carmina Quartet, Vassily Lobanov - Piano

Tchaikovsky: String Quartets
cena: €8.82

Casals And Friends

Casals Festivals At Prades Vol. 2.
cena: €89.10

China National Symphony Orchestra With Soloists / An Ann Hu Film

Music By Lida Zhang, Shadow Magic - Sound Track
cena: €13.92

Christian Skobowsky: St. Pauluskirche, Schwerin, Friese Organ

Bach, Hertel, Mendellsohn Bartholdy, Kiel, Dubois, Messiaen, Franck
cena: €13.92

Christian Von Blohn: Anthologie - Aristide Cavaille-Coll Vol. 2

Couperin, De Grigny, Boely, Faure, Liszt, Widor, Vierne
cena: €13.92

Christopher Tainton, Matthias Perl, Ndr Sinfonieorchester, Peter Ruzicka - Cond

Boulevard Solitude Zwischenspiele, Ballett Variationen
cena: €14.39

Claudio Arrau - Piano

Liszt: Piano Concerto No. 2, Schmumann: Concerto In A Minor, Weber: Konzertstück In F Minor
cena: €11.14

Cluster Ensemble

Cluster Ensemble Plays Philip Glass
cena: €29.23

Colin Tiley - Harpsichord

Fugue: Bach And His Forerunners.
cena: €11.14

Colin Tilney

High And Low / Domenico Scarlatti: 16 Late Harpsichord Sonatas
cena: €11.14

Daniel Roth: Orgue Symphonique Jean-Baptiste Ghys Sainte-Chantal, Dijon

Busser, Ropartz, Franck, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Pierne, Vierne, Roth, Tournemire
cena: €13.92

David Cates - Harpsichord

Bach: French Suites Bwv 812-817 With Selected Preludes Bwv 923, 999, 815a & 3 Preludes From Wtc.
cena: €22.27

David Tudor / John Cage

A Simultaneous Performance: D. Tudor - Live Electronics, J. Cage - Voice, Pre-Recorded Tape
cena: €27.84

Deutsches Streichtrio, Edith Salmen-Weber

Wolfgang Ludewig: Kammermusik Für Violine, Viola, Violoncello Und Schlagzeug
cena: €10.21

Diana Doherty, Serenata Basel

Ernst Pfiffner: Cambiamenti Concertanti, Monologe Über Frieden Und Krieg, Componimento, Don Quijote
cena: €10.21

Die Freitagsakademie

J.S . Bach: The Brandenburg Concertos
cena: €23.67
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