Valdinho Langer
Various Artists
Various Artists (Alice Cooper, Quiet Rot, Savatage, W.A.S.P., Krokus, Deep Purple, Thunder, Yngwie Malmsteen, Kingdom Come, And Many More)
Various Artists (Jeff Healey Band, Molly Hatchet, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Kingdom Come, Deep Purple, Quire Boys, Whitesnake, Gary Moore, Loverboy, And Many More)
Various Artists / Ost: 12 Tangos - Adios Buenos Aires
Various Artists: Monk To Bach
Various Artistst / Ost: El Ultimo Aplauso
Vinicio Capossela
Westaman (E. Dahlen, H. Hagen, B.C. Dreyer)
Willy Schwarz
Wolfgang Muthspiel (D. Jopling, S. Gurtler, G. Muthspiel, Choralschola Stift Zwettl, Choralschola Hofburg Wien
Zezi Vivi
Zohar (A. Bensoussan, U. Caine, E. Mann, L. Bournias, Gilad, A. Rodgers, Dj Olive)