Rashied Ali & Louis Belogenis
Rings Of Saturn
William Hooker (B. Doherty, S. Mateen, C. Compo, L. Barnes, J. Henry, M. Hennen, Gisburg, E. Flynn, D. Lilly)
The Distance Between Us
Andrea Parkins (B. Krauss, K. Wollesen)
Elliott Sharp Tectonics
Field & Stream
Joe Morris / Ken Vandermark / Hans Poppel
Like Rays
Briggan Krauss (W. Horvitz, K. Wollesen)
Misako Kano Quartet (T. Chapin, K. Fujiwara, M. Wilson)
Watch Out
Various Artists: Kramer, Lo Galluccio, Dj Spooky, Spanish Fly, Tronzo Trio, Zony Mash, K. Umezu, Liminal, Revolution, W. Hooker / Dj Olive, Wisdom Tooth, Liminal Lounge,)
Drop Acid... Listen To This
Jewish Alternative Movement: Hasidic New Wave, Paradox Trio, U. Caine, Naftule'S Dream, S. Dalachinsky, The Klezmatics, D. Krakauer'S Klezmer Madness, W. Brill, J. Sloan, Y. Piamenta, G. Lucas' Gods A...
A Guide For The Perplexed
Kazutoki Umezu / Shahushain (T. Imahori, I. Miyoshi, K. Shimizu. M. Mizuno, T. Yahiro, K. Niida)
Desert In A Hand
William Hooker (G. Spearman, Dj Olive)
Peep (M. Attias, E. Ratliff, F. Lonberg-Holm, R. Cimino)
The Joy Of Being
Wayne Horvitz & Zony Mash (T. Young, F. Chalenor, A. Roth)
Cold Spell
Roy Nathanson (D. Weiselman, C. Fowlkes, A. Coleman, B. Ruhle, M. Wooten, T. Ulrich, B. Thornas, B. Jones, E.J. Rodriguez)
Camp Stories S/T
Don Byron (U. Caine, K. Davis, D. Gilmore, M.S. Smith)
No Vibe Zone
Dj Spooky
Cast Iron Fact
Myth Science (B. Krauss, T. Otto, A. Coleman, R. Radding, E. Ware)
Love In Outer Space
Chris Cochrane Suck Pretty (D. Richards, E. Ware, D. Saunders, A. Coleman)
3 Heads
Prima Materia (Rashied Ali, Louie Belogenis, Allan Chase, Joe Gallant, Greg Murphy)
William Hooker / Lee Ranaldo / Zeena Parkins
The Gift Of Tongues
Briggan Krauss (C. Speed, M. Sarin)
Good Kitty
Borah Bergman & Roscoe Mitchell (T. Buckner)
First Meeting
John Stein (L. Harris Sr., D. Hurst, D. Limina, B. Torff, M. Wood)
Hustle Up!