David Friesen (J. Thomas, R. Porter, U. Dinter, J. Chvatal, A. Jones)
David Hopkins

David Hopkins

Hear The Grass / Echoes From The World Of Bamboo

David Kollar

David Kollar

Film Soundtracks And Ideas

David Moss

David Moss

My Favorite Things

David Moss & Direct Sound (G. Bijma, S. Hirsch, A. Homler, C. Santos)

David Moss & Direct Sound (G. Bijma, S. Hirsch, A. Homler, C. Santos)

Five Voices (Greetje Bijma, Shelley Hirsch, Anna Homler, David Moss, Carles Santos)

David Tudor / John Cage

David Tudor / John Cage

A Simultaneous Performance: D. Tudor - Live Electronics, J. Cage - Voice, Pre-Recorded Tape
